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Support a Flamingo and track its movements around the Mediterranean
You will find in the table below the summary of principal information according to the origin of your future flamingo(s). If you wish to support flamingos of various origins, you will have to address an email to each concerned person. In this email, you could emit according to the possibilities, a choice regarding to the sex and the year of birth of your future flamingo(s).

Dices that your registration will be actual, you will receive an e-mail inviting you to come and consult on this site the movements of your flamingo(s).
You will be warned in the same way every time your flamingo will recently have been localized and that this information will have been verified.
To avoid any inconvenience, you will receive an invitation e-mail to renew your subscription 30 days before the expiry date of the current subscription.

OriginDates of birthPerson in chargeHow to pay your subscription fees

1977 -> 2001
2002 -> 2006
2008 -> 2010
Parrainage FlamantsPlease visit this page where you will be able to subscribe online.
Po Delta

2000 -> 2010Nicola BaccettiFor more information, please contact:
Nicola Baccetti
Ebro Delta

2006 -> 2010
Antoni Curcó i MasipSending by mail to:
Apadrina un Flamenc
Parc Natural del Delta de l'Ebre
Av. Catalunya, 46
43580 - Deltebre

 • Generalities
Species description
The Greater Flamingo Network
Charter for the use of data
 • Counts
Breeding period
Other periods
 • Breeding
Breeding sites
Number of breeders
Number of chicks
 • Banding
 • You read a band ?
 • Services
 • Downloads
Summary of bands used
Flamingo Specialist Group Newsletters
 • Integrate this project
 • Photographs
2010 banding, Camargue
2011 banding, Camargue
2012 banding, Camargue
2013 banding, Camargue
2014 banding, Aigues-Mortes
2015 banding, Camargue
2015 Nest Operation, Camargue
Supporting Flamingos
The programme
965125 visits
175823 visitors
1 connected

 ©2006, Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat